( Without profits Table: 177)
Features of plan: This plan is introduced with effect from 27th Feb,2006. as the minimum sum assured under this plan is Rs.25 lakh, it has been decided not to issue polices with S.A Rs.25 lac or more under the existing term assurance plan amol jeevan (T-164) w. e. f 27th Feb, 2006. however, old proposals introduced under this plan may be completed either in new plan or under the old plan, whichever is favorable to the proposer .
Plan parameters
Age at entry: min.18 yrs. Completed max. 60 yrs. (NBD)
Age at maturity: max. 70 yrs.(NBD)
Term: min. 5 yrs max. 35 yrs
Sum assured: min. 25 lac max. no. limit
S.A in multiples: 1 lac
Mode of payment: YLY/HLY/ S.P
Policy loan: N.A
Housing loan: N.A
Revival: yes
Surrender of policy: N.A
Term rider: N.A
Underwriting conditions
Form No: 300/340
Age proof: std
Female report: compulsory. FMR will be required to be done by DMR/Addl. DMR or by TPA
Non-medical: N.A
Dating back: allowed
Age at entry: min.18 yrs. Completed max. 60 yrs. (NBD)
Age at maturity: max. 70 yrs.(NBD)
Term: min. 5 yrs max. 35 yrs
Sum assured: min. 25 lac max. no. limit
S.A in multiples: 1 lac
Mode of payment: YLY/HLY/ S.P
Policy loan: N.A
Housing loan: N.A
Revival: yes
Surrender of policy: N.A
Term rider: N.A
Underwriting conditions
Form No: 300/340
Age proof: std
Female report: compulsory. FMR will be required to be done by DMR/Addl. DMR or by TPA
Non-medical: N.A
Dating back: allowed
Maturity benefit: no amount is payable on maturity.
Death benefit: in case of death basic S.A will be paid to the nominee.
Example: Mr. Sanjay Kumar aged 30 yrs. Taken amulya jeevan policy, S.A Rs.25 Lac from term 20 years. He pays annual premium of Rs.6975/- on death of Mr. Sanjay Kumar during policy term, his nominee will receive Rs.25 Lac. On maturity if Mr. Sanjay Kumar is alive, he will not receive any amount.
Maturity benefit: no amount is payable on maturity.
Death benefit: in case of death basic S.A will be paid to the nominee.
Example: Mr. Sanjay Kumar aged 30 yrs. Taken amulya jeevan policy, S.A Rs.25 Lac from term 20 years. He pays annual premium of Rs.6975/- on death of Mr. Sanjay Kumar during policy term, his nominee will receive Rs.25 Lac. On maturity if Mr. Sanjay Kumar is alive, he will not receive any amount.
Suresh Kumar
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